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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Explore the professional potential of different art forms and media
  2. Explore and extend new skills with materials, processes and techniques
  3. Conceptualise new approaches to work

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

assess the benefits of new art forms and media to current practice

develop and refine methods of working with new materials, processes and techniques using a practical process of experimentation

apply new expertise with techniques, materials and processes to selected art forms and media in creative work

integrate new and existing skills and ideas into professional practice.

Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

explain the relationship between materials, processes and techniques in the chosen art form

identify connections and associations between different art forms and media

review work of other artists in the chosen art form

discuss cultural, sociological, philosophical, aesthetic, political and commercial influences on the chosen art form, in historical and contemporary contexts

describe processes of research and concept development used by the professional artist

review intellectual property issues and legislation associated with the chosen art form as a professional practice.